
DataWorks is a free, comprehensive program that gives Toronto Metropolitan students the ability to develop their technical and professional capabilities on data languages and visualization. The program contains learning resources provided from the MDSA team through tutorial sessions and challenges. The Dataworks program’s fundamental goal is to provide students the technical and professional skills necessary for success in the modern workplace.

Applications close on January 20th

  • Sign up.

  • Join Weekly Tutorials.

  • Complete Weekly Challenges.

  • Complete the Final Challenge.

  • Get Certified.

DataWorks Program 2023-2024


Students Recommended

Data Visualizations Taught



Weeks of Learning

Students Engaged

Data Languages Taught

Students Participation by Program

Students Participation by Year


  • The DataWorks content consists of weekly tutorial sessions, weekly challenges and weekly content review documents. For each tutorial session, students will be required to attend one out of the four offered online sessions to learn more about data science in Power BI and Tableau, from our Data Science Directors. Each weekly tutorial session will consist of the data science material, application through examples and an opportunity to ask questions to our directors. Weekly challenges will consist of short questions about the material taught for that week.

  • At the end of both the Fall and Winter semesters, students who have fully completed all required content in the DataWorks Program will qualify for the Cumulative Project. This will encompass all the content of their preferred  language learned within the DataWorks Program.

  • Students who complete all required content covered in the DataWorks Program and participate in the Final Challenge will receive a certificate of completion upon the conclusion of each semester. 

  • TMU students of any program can apply and there is no need for prior knowledge on programming as this is beginner friendly.